Tuesday, January 31, 2012

January 31, 2012

Today is the first day of the rest of my blog. Yes, I went there. Ummm, wasn't kidding about the whole dork/nerd thing. But see, I own those descriptions. I have learned that, frankly, we are all dorky or nerdy or uncool in some way, shape or form...and that's what makes us cool.

Yep, sounds like an After School Special, but really it's just the wisdom of growing up.


  1. The title of your blog really caught my eye and I thought there was so much truth in your post. I forget how dorky and uncool I am sometimes until I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror and can't believe what I'm wearing. My sister reminds me of what a dork I am but she's even worse. I agree about the wisdom of growing up, I've learned that the nerds are the cool ones.

  2. I, too, align myself with the dorks and nerds of the world. We are smart, humble, and unpretentious (for the most part), and it's about time we got the respect we deserve! My mother always told me, "The nerds will one day rule the world. Do not alienate them." A wise one, she was. Keep up the good work!

  3. The dorks and nerds of the world are the people I enjoy the most! I'm always ready and willing to admit I'm a dork, nerd, geek, or whatever you wish to call it. I think everyone has something they are "nerdy" about. I look forward to seeing what your blog will be posting!
